Sending & Receiving Emails

CU Boulder Human Resources


Sending & Receiving Emails


*Click the images below to enlarge

Setting Your Email Signature

To create or edit your email signature that defaults on all the emails you send from the system, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the View Profile button


  2. Click on Settings


  3. Select EmailMy Email Settings


  4. Edit signature block
    Click Save when done.

Sending Emails

To send an email from a case, follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the Activity tab of the Case


  2. Click Compose on the ‘New Email’ tab


  3. Ensure Recipient(s) are correct

    1. You can add in cc’s or bcc’s

    2. In most templated emails, the Primary Employee/Contact’s first name is being mail-merged in the salutation. If this isn’t the case for your specific email, make sure you adjust the email salutation.

  4. Pull in template
    There is a suite of pre-built templates in the system, but there is also a ‘blank’ template if you are sending an ad-hoc email.

    1. Click on the Insert, Create, or Update Template button


    2. Click on Insert a template


    3. Select the applicable Template Folder
      Pre-built templated emails are organized by the Type of case.

      A Blank Email Template (for ad-hoc emails) exists in the Leave Email Template folder.

    4. Select the applicable template

      The Blank Email Template (for ad-hoc emails):


    5. Popout or Maximize the email (if you want)
      These two views will allow you to continue to navigate the case while you edit your email, or allow you to maximize the email to make editing potentially easier.

      1. Click the Popout to docked view


      2. This popout view will allow you to edit your email but still navigate inside the case.


      3. Maximize (if you want)
        This view will full-screen the email potentially making editing the easiest.

        1. Click the Maximize button


        2. View email in maximize view


    6. Edit the email

      1. You have full rich-text capabilities, and you can modify anything from a templated email.

      2. You can keep the email chain history if it makes sense in the email. Note: once you’ve removed the email chain history, getting it back is difficult unless you copy/paste it from an old email.

      3. You can drag-and-drop attachments into your email. These attachments will automatically get added to the Files section of the case.

      4. Your signature line will automatically pull in.

    7. Preview the email (if you want)
      Click the Preview button.
      This will show all mail-merge(s)/etc.


    8. Send the email
      Click the Send button.


    9. Employee receives the email

Sending Email FAQs

  • All emails are from leave@colorado.edu

  • All emails default to a subject line of Leave Case ###. You can manually override this.

  • All templated emails will have:

    • Human Resources logo

    • Grey banner with:

      • Case Number

      • Last Name, First Name

      • Case Title (examples: Question - OJI, Case - FMLA - Employee, Case - Parental - Family)

    • Signature line (assuming you populated one in your settings)

  • {{{Recipient.UIS_Preferred_First_Name_C}}} will always populate with the Primary Employee/Contact’s first name--whether the email is to them or not. If you are not emailing this person, you will need to update this salutation.

  • By default, new emails will keep the email chain history. You can manually delete the email chain history, however, once you’ve removed the email chain history, getting it back is difficult unless you copy/paste it from an old email.

  • While fonts may appear different in the email editor, the email that is sent will have consistent fonts.



Receiving Emails

  1. There are three ways to know that an employee has logged a new email to you case(s):

    1. Email Notification
      You will receive an email notification when a new email has been logged into your case.


    2. Homepage Dashboard: My Cases with Unread Email
      This report shows you how many of your cases have unread employee emails. Opening this report allows you to go into these cases.


    3. Case List View: My Cases with Unread Email
      You may have to search for this List View via the drop-down arrow.


  2. Locate email
    Inside of the Case, you can click on the email(s) from the Emails Related List:


  1. Email contents
    From here, you can see who the email was sent to, the body of the email, and any attachments connected to the email. Any attachments from employee emails will automatically be saved to the Files section of the case.


  2. Uncheck Unread Customer Email(s)
    Once you reviewed the employee email(s), you’ll want to uncheck the Unread Customer Email(s) so the case gets removed from the ‘Cases with Unread Emails’ reports mentioned above.

    1. On the Case, click on the Activity tab


    2. Uncheck Unread Customer Email(s)
      Then hit Save


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