Explore guides to create a performance plan or learn to sign-off on performance-related tasks.
Get started:
For Supervisors
Create a goal for your employee
Sign-off on a planning or coaching task
Sign-off on an employee’s year-end evaluation
For Employees
Create a goal for yourself
Sign-off on a planning or coaching task
Sign-off on your year-end evaluation
for HR Liaisons
Check the status of sign-off tasks for your departments
Push out department-wide goals
Sign-off for employees on leave
Yearly Performance Checklist:
🟧 🔲 🔲 🔲 Build out a performance plan
Build out a performance plan
✅ Create a list of upcoming goals
Sign-off on a planning task
✅ Confirm the performance plan is good-to-go
Sign-off on a coaching task
✅ Check in mid-year and update the performance plan
Sign-off on the year-end evaluation
✅ Finalize and rate all the hard work and goals achieved throughout the year
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