Resolved Issue Log

Employees and Supervisors seeing Expired Tasks Resolved as of 9/9/2024

Cornerstone Area

Tasks (Action Required)

Affected Users

Could affect any users who have not completed a task in the past.


A scheduled patch for this issue will occur 9/6/2024.

At this point, there is no workaround. Please ignore any tasks that are not the following: 2023-2024 University Staff Final Evaluation, 2023-2024 Classified Staff Final Evaluation, 2024-2025 University Staff Performance Planning, 2024-2025 Classified Staff Performance Planning

Date Identified

Aug 5, 2024

Last Update

Sep 2, 2024

Status/Fix Date

No vendor resolution - Contact Boulder HR if you have questions about this issue.


Expired tasks are showing up for users who did not complete them during the time they were open. The tasks appear with a red caution symbol and are not editable. This is causing confusion in our current performance cycle. The tasks are showing up in the Tasks (Actions Required) box and are affecting Employees and Supervisors. At this point, there is no workaround. The vendor is aware of the issue and we are waiting to hear back on a possible solution.


Performance Planning Task Goals not Matching Goals Viewed Through Performance Planning Tile Issue no longer relevant since editable goal list was removed for 24-25 cycle.

Cornerstone Area

University Staff Performance Planning Task

Affected Users

Could affect any users with the above tasks.


Managers and employees can complete the task after discussing which goals will be relevant and updating goal dates to fall within the 23-24 performance cycle date ranges. Once sign off is complete the plan will automatically revert to the correct and most up-to-date version.

Date Identified

Jul 15, 2023

Last Update

Jul 29, 2024

Status/Fix Date

No vendor resolution vendor Expected functionality - Contact Boulder HR if you have questions about this issue.


 For the Planning task, once a manager clicks into the task, Cornerstone creates a “snapshot in time” of all goals. If edits are made, or goals are cancelled, the changes may not be reflected when viewing the list of goals within the task. New goals can be added. This has often been seen with employee who have changed classifications from Classified to University staff.

  • This is expected functionality from the vendor. It may cause goals to seem out of sync. However, as our CU Boulder documentation states, the options in the “Tasks (Action Required)” box are meant to serve as signature workflows, and the goals as seen through the Performance Planning tile are meant to be the “living document” of expectations that can change throughout the year.

  • We encourage supervisors or employees with this issue to complete the task and discuss expectations, emphasizing the goals that correctly fall within the 23-24 plan year. Submit a Cornerstone ticket or contact Boulder HR if you have questions or guidance.

  • This issue will be resolved for future coaching and planning tasks.


Performance Plan Goal Weights Not Matching Weights in University Staff Year End Evaluation Task Issue no longer relevant since evaluation task closed on 9/15/23

Cornerstone Area

University Staff Evaluation (step 3: Supervisor Departmental Rating)

Affected Users

All supervisors of university staff who utilize goal weights in the year end evaluation.

If your department does not utilize goal weights, you are unaffected by this issue.


In step 1, the incorrect weights are grayed out and can’t be edited, but can be changed on step 3. On step 3, goal weights can be viewed for each goal and then you must manually enter the accurate weight. See screenshots in the description below.

Date Identified

Jul 12, 2023

Last Update

Oct 17, 2023

Status/Fix Date

No Vendor resolution Expected vendor functionality -contact Boulder HR if you need help with this item



  • In step 3, the task isn’t automatically matching the weight users have set for goals on the performance plan and users are instead seeing the weights of goal divided even across all goals.

  • To updates the task weights to match the weight on user goals:

    • click the “Show more” text to view all the goal details.

    • You will see the correct goal weight as part of the goal.

    • you can match the “Weight” from the goal to the “Weight” box on the task. See image below:


Evaluation Task Not Giving Option to Save Comments and Ratings Issue no longer relevant since evaluation task closed on 9/15/23

Cornerstone Area

University Staff Evaluation Task (step 3: Supervisor Departmental Rating)

Affected Users

All users with the above tasks who supervise multiple employees.


Hover cursor over the left sidebar which shows icons for all performance steps. Cornerstone may have automatically placed you in step 1, and you need to manually click step 3 (the third icon on the sidebar). You should now be able to save comments, ratings, and weights.

Date Identified

Sep 1, 2023

Last Update

Oct 5, 2023

Status/Fix Date

no resolution



  • If you have multiple employees with in-progress performance evaluations, but the employees are on different steps, Cornerstone defaults you to step 1, even if the employee you are reviewing is on step 3:




  • Even though you can enter comments, ratings, and weights, since the system is on step 1 you cannot save.



  • To make sure you can save and continue with the evaluation task, make sure you hover over the left sidebar showing the steps and that the 3rd step is highlighted. If you’ve entered comments and cannot save, copy them into a Word or Notepad document to paste back into the system once you change the step.

  • Once step 3 is selected, you will now see available options to save or continue