Classified Staff: Year-End Evaluation Task

Classified Staff: Year-End Evaluation Task

The Classified Staff Year End Evaluation task allows you to:

  • As a supervisor, rate, comment, and finalize the performance plan for your employee

  • Route the finalized plan to a reviewer (either a second-level supervisor or appointing authority) for departmental approval

  • Sign off as a supervisor

  • Acknowledge the evaluation as an employee

The Classified Staff Year End Evaluation is a 4 step process that begins with the supervisor.

Table of Contents


CSOD Classified Final Eval Task  (2).png


At the beginning of each cycle, the supervisor will see a new task in the Tasks (Action Required) box on the homepage. The supervisor will complete the first step of the task:

The Tasks (Action Required) box will only display 10 tasks. If you have more than 10 tasks, you can find the full list by clicking on “Tasks (Action Required)” to visit your tasks page.

If you are an employee with multiple positions, please coordinate with your supervisor on which evaluation needs to be completed within Cornerstone, and which one needs to be done offline.

The summary page will not be displayed until Step 3: Supervisor Sign-Off. Preceding this, the summary page will be empty.

Step 1: Supervisor Review

  1. In the Tasks (Action Required) box on your home page, select the final performance evaluation for your employee.

  2. From the overview screen, read the directions and select Next.

  3. On the Classified Goal Rating page complete the follow fields for each goal in the performance plan:

    1. It is now optional for Classified staff to assign a weight but it still highly recommended.

    2. Select a rating

    3. Add a comment on each goal for the employee’s personnel file

  4. Select Next to proceed to the narrative, or Save for Later if you wish to continue at a later time.

  5. On the Classified Supervisor Narrative page, provide an optional narrative of your employee’s performance for this cycle. Select Save for Later.

  6. A confirmation page will display. The year end performance evaluation has now been sent to the reviewer (second-level supervisor).


Step 2: Reviewer Sign-Off

Approving the Year End Evaluation

  1. In the Tasks (Action Required) box on your home page, select the final performance evaluation for the supervisor’s employee.

  2. From the overview screen, read the directions and select Next.

  3. Read the Reviewer Instructions which states that f you deem that modifications need to be made by the supervisor, please schedule a meeting with the Supervisor to discuss your changes offline.

  4. On the Classified Goal Rating page, review the performance plan.

  5. Select Next to review the narrative, or Save for Later if you wish to continue at a later time.

  6. Review the final narrative if applicable. Select Next.

  7. On the Reviewer Sign-off page, Enter your full name then click Sign to view your signature with a timestamp. Then select Submit when you are ready to send the employee’s plan to the supervisor and employee for final sign-off.

  8. A confirmation page will display. The year end performance evaluation has now been sent back to the supervisor for review.


Step 3: Supervisor Sign Off

Supervisor Sign Off

  1. In the Tasks (Action Required) box on your home page, select the final performance evaluation for your employee.

  2. From the overview screen, read the directions and select Next.

  3. You will be shown the Supervisor Instructions which asks you to acknowledge any changes that the Reviewer has observed. Select Next

  4. On the Classified Goal Rating page, review the performance plan and adjust based on feedback from the anything that the Reviewer and you talked about offline.

  5. On the Supervisor Narrative page, add/adjust/review the narrative based on the new feedback from the Reviewer. Select Next.

  6. On the Classified Year-End Supervisor Checklist page, certify that you have discussed with the employee to review the performance evaluation. Click Next to proceed.

  7. Review the Summary which has calculated an overall rating for the employee. Select Next.

  8. On the Supervisor Sign-Off page, Enter your full name then select Sign to view your signature with a timestamp. Then select Submit when you are ready to finalize the employee’s evaluation.

  9. A Submit Review confirmation popup will display. Please ensure you have reviewed all the necessary comments and ratings before submitting.

  10. A confirmation page will display. The Classified Year-End Evaluation will now be sent to the employee for a final review.


Step 4: Employee Acknowledgment

Employee Acknowledgment

  1. In the Tasks (Action Required) box on your home page, select your final performance evaluation.

  2. From the overview screen, read the directions and select Next.

  3. On the Classified Goal Rating page, review the percentage weight, ratings, and comments given by your supervisor for each performance plan item, which should reflect your 1-on-1 discussion. Select Next.

  4. Review the final narrative if applicable. Select Next.

  5. Review the Summary which has calculated your overall rating. Select Next.

  6. On the Employee Acknowledgment page, enter your full name then select Sign to view your signature with a timestamp. Then select Submit when you are ready to finalize your evaluation.

  7. A Submit Review confirmation popup will display. Please ensure you have reviewed all the necessary comments and ratings before submitting.

  8. A confirmation page will display. Congratulations, you have now completed your Classified Staff Year End Evaluation!