Case Contacts (Payroll)

CU Boulder Human Resources


Case Contacts (Payroll)

Case Contacts are the people connected to the case. When new Case Contacts are added to a case, we take a “snap-shot” in time of who that person is at the time they are added to the case. If they are an employee, this “snap-shot” can include what position this employee had at the time of the case creation. This way, many years later, we can come back to the case and see exactly who this employee was at the time of the case.

There are three Case Contact Types:

  1. Requestor

  2. Impacted Employee

  3. Portal Access



The Requestor is the person who created the case. This could be: who sent the original email that created the case; who originated the DocuSign that was sent to HRSC; who created the case via the HRSC Support Portal; or who HRSC manually identified as the Requestor Case Contact. You can only have one Requestor per Case.

Requestor - 1.png

Impacted Employee

Impacted Employee(s) are people who the Case is about. Impacted Employees come over automatically from Spreadsheet Uploads, but they can also be manually added to the case. There is no limit to how many Impacted Employees you can add to a Case.

Impacted Employee - 1.png



Portal Access

Portal Access Case Contacts can view the case in their own HRSC Support Portal. Portal Access Case Contacts can be manually added internally in Salesforce or from people who have access to the case in their HRSC Support Portal.

Portal Access - 1.png

Adding a New Case Contact to a Case

To add a new Case Contact to your case, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “New” Case Contact Button

    New Case Contact - 1.png


  2. Search for Case Contact

    1. If you want to search just for the Contact (and no employment information), click the “Search All Contacts” tab. If you want to search for Employment Records, click the “Search Employment Records” tab.

    2. You can search by: name, email, EID, etc.

    3. Select the appropriate Employment Record (if applicable), and click the “Next” button.

      New Case Contact - 2.png


  3. Identify Case Contact Type

    1. The only required field is to determine the Case Contact Type:

      1. Impacted Employee

      2. Requestor

      3. Portal Access

    2. You can add any additional information you may know (ex: EID, etc.)

    3. Click the “Save” button

      New Case Contact - 3.png


  4. Done. Case Contact Added

    1. Click the Case Number link to get back to the Case record page.

    2. Review your new Case Contact in the Case Contacts Related List.

      New Case Contact - 4.png

Create New Contact

You may want to add a Case Contact to a Case who is either a brand new employee (ie: not in Salesforce), or not a Contact in Salesforce. You can create a brand new Contact in the system (and add them to a Case) by following these steps:

  1. Click the “New” Case Contact Button

    Create New Contact - 1.png


  2. “Search All Contacts” Button and “Create New Contact” Button

    Create New Contact - 2.png


  3. Populate First Name and Last Name

    1. Other fields are optional.

    2. Click the “Save” button.

      Create New Contact - 3.png


  4. Identify Case Contact Type + Populate Any Applicable Employment Information

    1. The only required field is to determine the Case Contact Type:

      1. Impacted Employee

      2. Requestor

      3. Portal Access

    2. You can add any appropriate employment information (ie: EmplID, etc.)

    3. Click the “Save” button.

      Create New Contact - 4.png


  5. Done. Contact Created + Case Contact Added to Case

    1. Click the Case Number link to get back to the Case record page.

    2. Review your new Case Contact in the Case Contacts Related List.

      Create New Contact - 5.png


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