The evaluation period for university staff is July 1 through September 15. On July 1, the supervisor will see a new task in the Tasks (Action Required) section on the homepage. The supervisor will complete the first step of the task. Once complete, the employee will be notified via email to complete the second step. Ratings are added on step 3, and can be viewed by the employee on step 4.
At any time of the task, the supervisor has the option of adding a co-planner. To do so, see “Can I add a second reviewer to evaluate my employee?” on the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Note |
At any time if you do not see the Next button, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page. |
Section 1: Supervisor Yes/No Selection for Employee Self-
To be completed by supervisor
Navigate to Cornerstone
From the homepage, navigate to the task box and select
“University Staff Final Evaluation for Direct Reports”.
Navigate to the left
column and select
an employee.
OnSection 1 Directions, review the current step’s instructions. The graphic will highlight the current section in Gold.
Select the Next button to navigate to Supervisor Yes/No Selection for Employee Self-Evaluation.
Select YES or NO from the dropdown
Note if you want to select NO, please navigate to https://cuboulderhr.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CORNERSTON/pages/edit-v2/1483931649?draftShareId=4f803b4a-4375-46f4-837a-556967c18b49
Once the supervisor has selected YES, click Next and navigate to the Employee Goal Section & Self Review (If Applicable).
Once at the Goal Section page, scroll down to the end of the page and click Submit. You will see a pop-up asking if you are sure; click Submit.
depending on whether or not you would like the employee to complete a self-evaluation.
Navigate to the bottom of the page and select Next to navigate to the Employee’s Performance Plan.
On the Employee’s Performance Plan, review the goals. Commenting is optional--ratings and final comments will be added during section 3. Comments are visible to your employee. Navigate to the bottom of the page and select Submit.
Select Submit, and an additional Pop-Up will ask to select Submitagain. Please ensure you are selecting Submit twice to ensure the task is routing to the next step. This will be standard for every step.
After you have selected Submit, an email will be sent to your employee, notifying them that the next step has been assigned to them.
The supervisor will have the opportunity to add supervisor comments and ratings in
Section 3: Supervisor Final Departmental Rating--
selecting Submit on this step will not fully submit the entire review.
At any time, the carrot next to the goals can be
selected to view Comments made on the Performance Plan throughout the year, as well as an expanded view of
The supervisor will click Submit, and an additional Pop-Up will ask the Supervisor to click submit again. Please ensure you are clicking submit twice to ensure the task is routing to the next step. This will be standard for every step.
Note |
If you do not see the Next button, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page. |
a goal.
Section 2: Employee Self-
Navigate to Cornerstone
To be completed by employee
From the homepage, navigate to the task box and select “Your
University Staff Final Evaluation”
Note: if you have more than 10 tasks, you must clock the “Task Box (Action Required)” to view all the tasks
From the overview page, select Next to view the Section 2 Directions. The graphic will highlight the current section in Gold. Select Nextto continue.
On the Supervisor Yes/No Selection for Employee Self-Evaluation view whether your supervisor would like you to
complete a self-evaluation
Note: if the dropdown reads NO please follow the user guide https://cuboulderhr.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CORNERSTON/pages/edit-v2/1483931649?draftShareId=4f803b4a-4375-46f4-837a-556967c18b49
Click Next and the employee will be navigated to the Employee Goal Section & Self Review (If Applicable).
. based on their selection from the Yes/No Selection dropdown. Select Next to navigate to the Employee’s Performance Plan.
If Yes was selected, please add relevant comments that the supervisor can
take into account when determining your goal ratings and final departmental rating.
At any time, the carrot next to the goals can be clicked and you will be able to view Comments made on the Performance Plan throughout the year.
After the employee has finished adding comments to their goals, click Next
The next page is the Employee Self-Review Narrative (If Applicable). Here the employee can add a self-review narrative they would like their supervisor to view and consider when determining their goal ratings and final departmental score.
Click Submit once at the bottom, and Submit again when the pop-up shows up once the employee has finished looking through the sections. The task will now be routed back to the Supervisor to complete the Final Evaluation.
Step 3: Supervisor Final Departmental Rating
Navigate to Cornerstone
Select Nextto navigate to the Employee’s Self-Evaluation Narrative.
If No was selected, you may skip through this section by scrolling to the bottom and selecting Next.
Add an optional self-evaluation narrative you would like the supervisor to review and consider when determining goal ratings and a final departmental rating. Scroll to the bottom and select the Submit button, and Submit again on the pop-up to route the next section of the evaluation to your supervisor. An email will be sent to your supervisor to continue with the evaluation process.
Section 3: Supervisor Final Departmental Rating and Sign-Off
To be completed by the supervisor
From the homepage, scroll down to the task box and select
“University Staff Final
Note: if you have more than 10 tasks, you must click the “Task Box (Action Required)” to view all the tasks
Performance Evaluation for all Direct Reports.”
Hover over the left column to ensure you are on the desired employee and the correct step then select Nextto view the Section 3 Directions. The graphic will highlight the current section in Gold. Select Nextto continue.
Note, if you have multiple employees
on different stages of the
evaluation, you must navigate to the left
column and click the correct section. The green check mark
indicates a completed step. A blue circle next
indicates an incomplete step.
Review the Employee’s Self-
Evaluation Narrative
. Here you
may view the employee’s self-
evaluation narrative and consider it when providing
a final rating.
Select Nextto move forward to the Employee’s Performance Plan.
Here you have a chance to rate, weight, and comment on all
in the
Employee's Performance Plan. The
employee’s self-evaluation comments under each goal (if added) will be visible here for consideration.
At any time, the carrot next to the goals can be clicked and you will be able to view Comments made on the Performance Plan throughout the year.
After the supervisor has weighted and rated all the goals for the year, click Next
Select Next.
On the Final Departmental Rating and Supervisor Narrative section
, determine a final rating
and optionally add
a narrative. Select Nextto navigate to the Supervisor Final Sign-Off page.
review the
Now the task will be sent to the employee where they will finalize the evaluation.
Step 4: Employee Acknowledgement
Navigate to Cornerstone
calibration information. If your department does not calibrate scores, sign the evaluation and select the Submit button, then Submit on the pop-up to notify your employee via email that the final step has been assigned to them.
For departments that leverage a calibration process, select the Save for Laterbutton and consult with your supervisor or HR Liaison for offline calibration steps. Return to the evaluation once departmental calibration is complete.
At this point you can run a Performance Review Rating Report which will help give you a weighted average of scores as well as your final departmental rating. Follow this guide for instructions on running this report.
Section 4: Employee Acknowledgement
To be completed by employee
From the homepage, navigate to the task box and select “Your
Final Evaluation”
Note: if you have more than 10 tasks, you must clock the “Task Box (Action Required)” to view all the tasks
Click Next and the employee can view their Self-Review Narrative.
Click Next and the employee will be on the Employee Goal Section where they can view the ratings that their supervisor has provided them on each individual goal
Select the Next buttonto navigate to the Section 4 Directions. The graphic will highlight the current section in Gold. Select Nextto continue to view the Employee’s Self-Evaluation Narrative you previously added.
Select Nextto view the Employee’s Performance Plan. Review rating and comments made by your supervisor on each goal.
Select Next to go to the Final Departmental Rating and Supervisor Narrative page, where
you can view
the supervisor’s final overall rating and add any comments
After the employee feels satisfied with their final review, they can click Next where they have a chance to Acknowledge by signing off.
Select Nextand you will be directed to an acknowledgement page where you will be prompted to sign-off, indicating that you have received a score on your final review.
Select the Submit button and Submiton the pop-up.
An email will be sent to both the employee and supervisor notifying them that the task is now complete.
You may Decline to Sign your acknowledgement, but doing so will still indicate that you have received a score. If you disagree with your score, contact your supervisor or department’s HR Liaison.
At the end of the task for both employees and supervisors, a summary of the scores will be visible. This will show the average weighted score of the goals as well as the final departmental rating. This summary is for informational purposes and will be there as additional information in the final PDF. The summary can be viewed at any time in the task. At the end of the task, both employee and supervisor will receive an email to notify them that the task is complete.