CU Boulder Human Resources


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Navigation Basics

After logging into Salesforce, you land on a Cases homepage that displays a listing of cases assigned to you, with the case number, the employee’s name, case title, case status, the contact date, follow-up date and date/time the case was closed.

The homepage view of your open cases will show, at most, 30 cases. If you have more than 30 open cases, you can click the “Homepage My Open Cases - ER” link to view all of your open cases.

Click on the images to make them larger

  • The listing can be sorted by each of the column names

  • From here you can view a case (by clicking on the blue highlighted case number), search for an employee record, create a new case, change the case owner, and open up a view of the case details that can be printed out

  • You can also access reports and dashboards using the navigation tabs

Global Search

The global search is helpful for finding historical case information, among other things. Type in the name, phone number, employee ID, Student ID, etc and press enter. The search results will display any related information found in the system. The global search box makes it easy to find just about anything in the system. When typing in the search box, the system will begin looking for recent records and display them as suggestions. It is recommended to type in the full entry then click Enter/Return to view the full search results.

The global search bar appears on all pages.

You can also use the global search to look up older Sharepoint HRI cases with the case number from the old system.

Adding a New Case

Creating a Case from the Employment Record

A new case can be created directly from an employment record.

  • Begin by searching for a contact through the global search and press enter.

Refer the the Global Search section of Navigation Basics to determine what criteria can be used for the global search.

  • Depending on the criteria entered, you may not immediately see results from the Employment object. If you do not see a section for Employment, use the left sidebar to find Employment results:

    • Click the “Show More” dropdown

  • Scroll down and click Employment

  • You should now see the results from the Employment Object:

  • Click on the Employment record you would like to use (click on the hyperlinked EMP-xxxxxx field)

  • This will bring up the specific employee information for the employee. Confirm this is the employee you wish to add to the case

  • Click the “Create Case” button in the upper-right corner of the page.

  • This will bring up an overlay will all employment, personal, and contact information that will be copied to the Case Contact.

  • At the top is the only required field, Type.

  • When all information looks correct, click Save to add the Employee as a Case Contact, or click Save & New to add additional Case Contacts.

  • After saving a Case Contact, you will be directed to that specific Case Contact’s page. From here you can:

    • Verify the information

    • Click the case number in the upper-left corner of the page to return to the case overview page

    • Add an ER Action

    • Add a BIT Action

The information here may be edited if necessary since it will be copied to the specific Case Contact. This will not affect the system contact information stored in the HRI. Once copied to a case, the employee’s information for that case will no longer change.

Note that student information--if it exists--will show for all contacts, even when added as an employee.

Adding Case Details

Once you create a case from the employment record you can click the case number in the upper left corner of the page to see the case overview page. Here you can add or update case details, add additional case contacts, add files, or add case notes.

  • To add or update case details, click the ✏ pencil icon next to the field to be edited:

  • Make any case detail edits, which will be highlighted in yellow once changed

  • Be sure to click Save to keep your changes

  • Add additional employees as Case Contacts, add Files, or add Case Notes using the buttons to the right of each object:

Adding An Action

From the case overview page, you can see all the case detail information, the Case Contacts, Actions, Files, and Notes. However, an action must be added to specific contacts.

  • To add an action, start by click on the Case Contact record (the CC-xxxxxx hyperlink)

  • Click the “New ER Action” or “New BIT Action” depending on the type you want to add

  • This will bring up an overlay with a list of Actions to choose

  • Select an action and click Next

  • If the Action selected has other associated fields such as SubActions or Notes, you will then be able to select that information

  • Click Save to save the action to the case. You will be redirected to the Action page, which will show the information just entered. If it looks correct, you can click the case number in the upper left to return to the case over view page

  • On the case overview page, you should now see the Action listed

Adding Notes to a Case

New Case Notes can be added from the Case Overview page.

  • Add a note by clicking the New button on the right of the Case Notes object box:

  • When adding a new note from the Case page, you will see the view below.

    • Date/Time - These fields auto-populate to the current date/time, but can be edited

    • Action - allows the note to be linked to a specific action on the case

    • Contact Method - the type of note can be tracked

  • Click the Save button to add the note to the case

The note will be tied to the case, but not a specific Case Contact

  • To view Case Notes, click the Case Notes tab, the View Case Notes button, or the Note hyperlink

    • These view will show notes whether added through the Case page or the Case Contact page


If copying/pasting in text into a Case Note (e.g. from an email) the source formatting will copy as well and may cause viewing issues, such as overlapping text. If you have this issue, a temporary fix is to delete the current note text that is causing the issue, and right-clicking in the notes box and “paste as plaintext” to repaste the note without formatting.

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