Case Details:Basic case data like Case Owner, Contact Date, Date Closed, and Status
Case Type: Allows you to “categorize” the case with fields like Case Type and Subtype.
Payroll Information: This section conditionally displays based on the Case Type. Focuses on specific counts of payroll information that are used for reporting.
Additional Details: Additional case data.
Requestor Information: This section is automatically populated and just pulls in some of the Requestor’s information.
Impacted Employee: This section is automatically populated and just pulls in some of the Impacted Employee’s information. If there are multiple Impacted Employees, it just displays the count.
Case Contacts: These are the employees/people connected to the Case.
Transactions: These are the specific Transactions or requests attached to the Case. They are either manually created/added, or they come in automatically from a spreadsheet upload.
Files: These are files/attachments that came into the case from incoming or outgoing emails or manually added to the case.
Emails: These show all incoming and outgoing emails connected to the case.
Case Notes: These show all communications of the case--emails, internal notes, portal comments, etc.
Tasks/Activities: These show all open Tasks manually added to the case.
System Information: A “catch-all” area for case data that impact automation/etc.
Case History: A select number of case fields can be “tracked” to document “original values” vs “new values.” Any changes to those fields are shown here.