Table of Contents |
Navigation Basics
Text in blue are links to that content. It is easy to navigate between the Case, Case Contact (CC-#), Allegations (AL-#), Actions (ACT-#), and Note (Note-#) pages by selecting the associated record ID # that is displayed on the page. A link back to the Case can be found in the upper left hand corner of child pages.
The global search is helpful for finding historical case information, among other things. Type in the name, phone number, employee ID, Student ID, etc and press enter. The search results will display any related information found in the system. The global search box makes it easy to find just about anything in the system. When typing in the search box, the system will begin looking for recent records and display them as suggestions. It is recommended to type in the full entry then click Enter/Return to view the full search results.
The global search bar appears on all pages.
You can also use the global search to look up older Sharepoint HRI cases with the case number from the old system.
Home Tab
The home tab has two main sections: Homepage My Cases - OIEC, which displayed a list of your open cases sored by oldest open contact date, and the OIEC Dashboard, which shows a collection of common reports.
Homepage My Cases - OIEC
New - Create a new case (you can also create a new case by searching the Contact in the Global Search, selecting the appropriate employment record, then clicking the button Create Case).
List Search - Search Available to search for items in the custom case list by case numbers and wordsalphanumeric text. Contact Date, Second Investigator, and Investigator aren’t searchable. Use filters or sort on these fields instead. The Alternatively, the list can be sorted by clicking the top header of the appropriate column. Columns can be resized by clicking and dragging the column dividing lines.
Contact Date, Second Investigator, and Investigator aren’t searchable. Use filters or sort on these fields instead.
Case Number - Click on this number to view a particular case.
Quick Options - Edit & Delete a case.
Info |
The Homepage My Cases - OIEC list is standard for all users. If you would like to create specific lists, view creating lists in HRI-Salesforce. |
OIEC Dashboard
Shows a standard collection of reports.
Provides information specific to the logged in user.
Click the Refresh button to ensure the most recent information is displayed.
Reports displayed on the dashboard can be changed and modified at any time. Under the OIEC Dashboard header, you can see the date and time of the most recent refresh.
Click on the blue report hyperlink“View Report” hyperlink on the bottom-left side of each report to view the full report.
Cases Tab
Reports Tab
Dashboards Tab
Adding a New Case
Process for case creation: There are two main pathways for creating new cases. Both pathways will
Case Flow: Begin by creating a Case from the Home tab then, add the associated Case Contacts. Actions and Allegations are then added to the Case Contacts. Case Notes can be added from the Case Contact record page, or directly to the Case by using the “New Case Note” button on the upper-right side of the case page.
Participant Flow: The second pathway is to begin by searching for the Contact in the global search, select the appropriate employment record then create a new case.
Case Flow
Creating a New Case
From the Home tab, you can create a case by clicking the “New” button on the upper-right side of the page, or by clicking the dropdown caret next to the Case tab and clicking ➕ New Case
If you have access to other Salesforce apps, you may be prompted to Select a record type (e.g. if you also have access to BIT cases). Otherwise, you will not see the prompt below and will pass to the next step.
Enter preliminary case information. You will see all available case fields, but initially the only required fields are Case Origin, Status, and Process
Once the known case information is entered, click Save.
The title field will auto-populate later as Case Contacts are added
Info |
For a full list of fields and workflow, view the OIEC HRI User Workflow. |
Adding Case Contacts to a Case
Once a new case is saved, you are directed to the case page. You should see the new case number in the upper-left corner of the page, and the horizontal info bar across the top and the Details area should be populated with the information entered in the previous step.
To add a new Case Contact, click the new button on the right side of the Case Contacts Object
You’ll be taken to the search page.
This page defaults to search by employment record, which should be used for Case Contacts with CU affiliation. You can filter by the department dropdown, and toggle the checkboxes to include inactive employees and/or to include all campuses
To search Case Contacts not affiliated with CU or to create a new or unknown contact, use the tab at the top of the page to switch to the “Search All Contacts” page. You can use the button on the right side of the page to create a new or unknown contact, search for previously created contacts, or use the checkbox to view current committee members.
You can search by almost any available information, including name, phone, email, employee or student ID, and job title. When looking for exact matches, entering a space after typing in your search criteria can speed up the live search.
Once you’ve found the contact to add, click next.
This will bring up an overlay will all the personal, outreach for support and safety measures, student information, contact information, and employment information that will be copied to the Case Contact.
At the top are the two required fields, Type and Client Status.
When all information looks correct, click Save to add the Case Contact, or click Save & New to add additional Case Contacts.
After saving a Case Contact, you will be directed to that specific Case Contact’s page. From here you can verify the information, click the case number in the upper-left corner of the page to return to the case, or click the “New Allegation” button to add a new Allegation to this Case Contact as outlined in the following steps.
The information here may be edited if necessary since it will be copied to the specific Case Contact. This will not affect the system contact information stored in the HRI.
Note that student information--if it exists--will show for all contacts, even when added as an employee.
Adding Allegations to a Case
Allegations are added to a case through a Case Contact to ensure that Allegations are related to a person.